Have you noticed age-related changes in your skin lately? Has your hair become thin and sparse? Many over-the-counter treatments can address these concerns, but nothing is better than PRP or PRF (natural growth factor) treatments to take care of wrinkles, sagging skin, acne, age spots under eye hollows, thin skin, and hair loss.
You may have heard of a cosmetic treatment called the Vampire Facial; do you know what that means? The Vampire Facial is an aesthetic treatment that uses PRP or PRF, two forms of plasma taken from your body and re-injected to produce healing.
If you have ever got a cut, you may have seen how a yellowish serum oozes from your wound. After a time, a scab is formed, and new skin grows to cover your wound and heal your skin.
The yellowish serum is PRP or PRF and is used in healing. Re-injecting plasma into your skin can help provide healing proteins that rejuvenate new skin, collagen, and elastin. What are PRP and PRF? Why do they heal your skin? How do you get these products?
Natural growth factors are liquid plasma with high platelet concentrations. Platelets are sought after because these cell fragments seep out of arteries when they detect wound or skin damage. They travel to the wound site, and their healing proteins help heal the damage.
PRP and PRF are the platelets in the blood. These two forms of healing are different because PRP contains a higher concentration of platelets than PRF. However, PRF contains fibrin, a protein used to clot the blood. The fibrin in PRF provides a scaffold for new tissue growth and creates an organization holding the platelets in place longer and preventing platelets from disappearing.
When receiving PRP or PRF treatments, you comfortably sit in the clinic, and a medical professional takes a small amount of blood from your arm to create your PRP/PRF serum. Then, the blood sample is spun in a centrifuge so the platelet-rich plasma and fibrin and be separated from the liquid blood.
What is PRP?
PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. As the name suggests, the injected liquid contains a high platelet concentration. By isolating and injecting these natural growth factors, we can use the healing proteins to improve the skin from anti-aging and directly use it for other useful effects.
Because PRP/PRF is derived from your body, natural growth factors are one of the most organic ways to trigger healthy and new cell growth and inspire collagen production.
Inside the spun vial, an anti-coagulant plug stops the blood from clotting, and the maximum amount of plasma is separated. The plasma is drawn out of the tube and re-injected into problem areas, like the face or scalp. The platelets then do what they are made to do. They initiate a healing flow of connections to call over stem cells to create new cell growth and collagen production. Once injected, PRP helps improve wrinkles, acne, pigmentations, thinning of the skin, sagging skin, loss of volume, and hair loss.
What is PRF?
PRF is platelet-rich fibrin. Platelet-rich fibrin is similar to PRP, but it is derived differently to result in more fibrin collection. Fibrin in the skin creates an infrastructure holding platelets in place longer and prevents them from dispersing. Platelets that stay in place allow for more release of beneficial factors than PRP for extended periods.
PRF also comes from a blood sample, but the differences come into play here. The PRF tube does not contain anti-coagulant or enzymes. The PRF is also spun at a slower speed than PRP. This slower speed is to reduce platelet rupture. These differences reduce the amount of plasma coming from the blood. The result is a less yellow liquid, fewer platelets, and more fibrin concentration.
Benefits of PRP and PRF
The benefits of PRF treatment are almost the same as PRP. Platelets encourage healing proteins such as growth factors, collagen production, and stem cells to boost cell growth in the area and result in thicker, healthier skin.
PRP and PRF are amazingly effective treatments; their differences are just a matter of preference. The liquid golden serum derived from either one can reduce aging signs and resolve thinning hair.
PRP and PRF injections are a natural way to resolve common aesthetic concerns. No chemicals or surgical treatments are used. Once extracted and spun, the injected PRP or PRF or the growth factors in your blood can produce results that other treatments cannot give you. PRP/PRF is also considered low-allergenic. Your blood is being re-injected and used for healing.
If you are considering treatment to decrease the fine lines and wrinkles in your skin, rejuvenate your skin, or combat hair loss, contact Ageless Aesthetics at agelessaestheticsrn.com or give them a call at 208-882-7706. Ageless Aesthetics has clinics in Moscow, ID., and Pullman, WA.